Monday, November 17, 2008

Harvest Wreath

Last week my daughter brought home a note telling us to start collecting items for a fall wreath they were going to be working on in Art class this week. We were told to collect small pine cones, leaves, seed pods and acorns.

I had mentioned a couple times to my daughter over the past week that she needed to start working on these things. She collected two "small" pinecones from a friend's house - small being about the size of my open hand!

I had planned this past weekend to take her to a local park so we could find some pinecones and possibly acorns. Maybe some large leaves as well in fall colors. However, things got busy and I completely forgot until last night on our way home from church. By then it was dark and she needed these things for this morning.

So last night about 8:30 she and I searched the backyard and the front yard with a flashlight. My hubby has one of those heavy duty flashlights - looks like ones the cops carry - long black handle, heavy and bright. I'm sure my neighbors must have wondered what in the world we were doing last night in our front yard with a flashlight pulling leaves and seed pods out of the trees.

But in the end I think the project turned out pretty good. What do you think? It is our fall version of the Charlie Brown Christmas tree. Maybe we'll go out this weekend and get some more stuff to fill it out a bit. Either way I'll keep it as long as it stays together! I think it will be fun to pull it out each year.

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