Saturday, October 25, 2008

My Daughter the Activist

It started out as me informing my 7 year old daughter about the issues in the upcoming elections so she could pray for this nation and the elections during her Friday "Prayer for the Nations" class. Now I've created a monster (a good one though!)

I've posted here already regarding my discussions with her about these issues (focus has been on Prop8 and abortion). Since then I've had more than one adult approach me and tell me how amazed they are in how mature my daughter is in regards to her discussion about the issues. They said that my daughter who is normally a bit shy is very confident and mature and speaks the facts very clearly. They've told me that she has had discussion with other children and with adults and handled herself in a way that is more mature than most adults! That warms my heart so much and I just have to praise God that He has imparted this wisdom to her. I know it is Him as there is no way I could have given her that type of understanding on my own. In many ways she is taking a more firm stand for the Lord and His Ways than I am.

When I first explained to her about California law allowing for same sex marriages and what Prop8 was about she immediately told me that God had not created marriage to be anything but between a man and a woman. It was so clear to her and she could not understand how others did not see this. She immediately told my husband and I that she wanted to put a sign in our front yard, make signs to put up all over the neighborhood AND she wanted to go door to door to tell people about Prop8 and God's plan for marriage. Then she added that we also need to tell people though that we still need to love those who may not be obeying God, just like Mommy & Daddy still love us when we do bad. I was amazed.

Then last night I came home and noticed what you see in the picture above. Apparently she got her hands on this sign from the church where the homeschool co-op meets on Fridays. My husband told her that she could put it up if she wanted. He said as soon as they got home she took the sign and put it up. And she did not put it up next to the house where it would be "safe" from the vandals that have been stealing and destroying signs lately. No - she put it right up front where anyone driving by will be able to clearly see it.

I truly believe the Lord sent this precious angel to me as an encouragment and an example of how I should be standing for His Truths!

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