Thursday, October 16, 2008

Homeschooling Update

We are about halfway through the fall semester now and we are both still LOVING the homeschooling. We have a field trip planned for next month to the Capital Building in Sacramento. I know my daughter won't get as much out of the tour as she will in a few years, but she is very excited and will still get plenty out of the trip.

I received a note from her Math teacher last week from the co-op talking about how wonderful she is doing and then yesterday they gave out awards and Tyler received an Outstanding Student award for Math. Mommy and Daddy are so proud of her. The teacher had mentioned about how she was very focused and quiet in class (my daughter!?). She said even so she had no problem speaking up in class and described her as having a "quiet strength". It is so wonderful to hear that from others about your daughter.

We are loving Science and have started getting more into History as well. Those are not covered at the co-op. We are making weekly trips to the library now. We've found some wonderful little state books. She picks out 2 or 3 each week, reads them and then journals about what she has learned about that State. We also have a map of the US on her bedroom wall where she is putting a sticker up for each state she learns about.

Another thing that excited me yesterday was to find out that in their Friday co-op class "Praying for the Nations" they will be concentrating on praying for the US and the upcoming elections beginning tomorrow and will continue to do so until after the elections. On my other blog one thing that has been very important to me and on my heart has been praying for our nation, leaders and the upcoming elections. I'm so excited that the kids will now be praying for this as well. I truly believe that the Lord listens even more intently to their prayers.

Her teacher has asked that as parents we discuss the election issues with our children. I've discussed abortion with her briefly in the past but we will be discussing that along with other items such as Prop 8 in the next weeks.

Regardless of the age of your children and whether or not you homeschool I think discussing the issues is a wonderful thing to do and then having them pray for our nation. Our nation definitely needs to be interceded for right now!

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