Sunday, September 14, 2008

Happy Birthday!

Today my middle precious baby is turning 4! I've realized that I've been thinking of him as 4 for quite awhile now. Maybe it is because of how much he talks and some of the stuff he comes up with. I would not be surprised if he ends up on a stage entertaining people some day. His goal in life is to make others laugh.

Everytime I said "Happy Birthday" to him today he would respond with "Happy Birthday!!". He had been so excited for this day to come. Shaun has been marking off the days on the calendar since the beginning of the month. He's told me many times today that he has had a "very wonderful and fun birthday!"

I took him to get his very first Webkinz today because his sister has quite a few and he wanted one of his own. He picked out a snake which he decided to name "Snake". We got online today and adopted his Snake and his sister sent him a Webkinz mail already with a package for his birthday. He loved that!

One the way to church tonight he took his sister's little bible that she received when she was dedicated. He wanted to read to us so he opened it to the front and started "reading":

"First God made the world, and he made all the animals, and he made the plants grow. Then he put a rock over there and then he made the dirt and some streams. He put the sky up there and made the grass grow. He made everything and then he made ME! Happy Birthday!!!"

So Happy Birthday my dear boy. You have definitely brightened our life!

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