Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Introduction for MommyFest

As part of the MommyFest and meeting other moms, I'm adding my name to a Mr Linky on the MommyFest blog party. As part of that, I'm supposed to introduce myself to all the new Mommies coming to meet little ole me! So here goes:

My name is Angela, I go by Ang4him online. I'm a Christian mother who is pursuing God and his purpose for my life to the best of my ability, with TONS of help from Him! I'm trying to raise my three children to also puruse the Lord. I have another blog that is dedicated to my journey with the Lord and what He is teaching me - Ang4him. This blog is more dedicated to my family. Sharing stories of what we are doing and usually what my boys are up to at the moment. It is a good way to keep in touch with my family back home as well.

I have been married to my high school sweetheart for almost 13 years. He is a wonderful man who is very compassionate (although he would never admit to it!) and is an amazing father, not to mention a great husband!

My daughter is almost 7 years old (how fast they grow up!) and my boys are 3 1/2 and 2! My hubby works from home for the most part and stays home with the boys three days a week. He is a automotive mechanic who has turned to working on Harleys. Mostly he just finds old ones, pulls them apart and sells the parts (and keeps a few parts for his Harley, of course!)

I work with a large software company, in their accounting department. For the most part I love what I do but I do wish I could spend more time with my family at home. Although the boys do drive us NUTS at times right now!

I love to read and write. Those are my passions. I would love to write for a living someday, but for now I get my "fix" by blogging and journaling.

I attend a small house church which is made up of about 6 families. We started meeting this way almost 3 years ago and it has definitely been of God. I've grown so much in the Lord in the past 3 years and these people have truly become part of my family.

Those are probably the most important things about me. If you want to get to know me more though, please feel free to explore this blog and my other one. That is probably the best way to get to know me.

God Bless and Happy Blogging!



  1. Angela, you have a gorgeous family! It's nice to meet you!

  2. It is so nice to meet you. Your family is beautiful.
    Have fun at the party!!

  3. It's nice to learn a little about you. Cute pictures of your family. I am just stopping by from Mommyfest to say hi. Have a wonderful day.
