Thursday, November 1, 2007

I Can Read God's Word

My work had a book fair on Monday which was perfect timing for me. I only had a few dollars on me but figured I would go see what they had. I came across a set of three books by Phil A. Smouse, all three are part of a series called I Can Read God's Word.

Each book has four short stories with wonderful illustrations. They are the perfect reading level for my daughter (she is 6 yrs old - 1st grade)! The timing was good because I had just started doing morning devotionals with my daughter that morning (read my Seeds Planted and An Example to Our Children posts on my Ang4him blog)

I've been reading the scriptures to her from my Bible then letting her read the stories in the books. We then talk together about what it means. It has been wonderful - she is learning about God, having a regular quiet time and she feels more involved because she is actually able to read the stories.

The three I have are:

The Lord is My Shepard and other stories from the Psalms
Treasure in Heaven and other stories Jesus told
The Lost Sheep and other stories Jesus told

Right now we are going through the Treasures in Heaven book which includes:

The Lamp (Luke 8:16-17)
My Treasure (Matthew 6:19-21)
On the Rock (Matthew 7:24-27)
Love Your Enemy (Luke 6:27-31)

I'm excited to find online that there are more to the series.


  1. Thanks for the heads up on the books. I would love for William to read them (6 years old also)
